Anyone want an Animal House-inspired Psychology t-shirt?

"I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

Sometimes I think things are funny that other people don’t (okay, alot of times); perhaps I find humor in things that I shouldn’t? Anyway, I’ve always found the movie Animal House amusing.

Here is a character played by John Belushi (Bluto), in a generic “College” shirt:


Well, I thought it would be funny to have one inspired by his shirt that said “APA–” uh, I mean “PSYCHOLOGY.” So I went ahead and made one. You see the results before you:


Would anyone else like one? If so let me know by email: and include a desired size. If enough people are interested I’ll have them run a whole batch– I think “we’re just the guys to do it.” 😉


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